Our Teaching Style
Unlike other tutoring services, we are not a revolving door of students. This is why, since our many years of teaching, we have had ZERO students leaving to join other tuition centers.
We work with students and parents to get the best outcome for them.
We cater to all exam boards for GCSE and A-Level.
We follow the GLS syllabus for 11+.
How we teach
Using the syllabus
We follow the syllabus foreach exam board and ensure we cover everything so that no student ever has knowledge gaps when they sit their exams.
Additional tips and tricks developed from our years of experience are taught to answer he most difficult questions.
We have no issues teaching bright students material far beyond what is expected from them at school.
Regular assesments
Regular assessments are provided to be completed at home under exam conditions and then covered during class.
Homework is provided to test your student’s knowledge between lessons.
Teaching Support
We always provide out-of-hours teaching support. If you are stuck on a question, or have some last minute questions before your big test, just drop us a message and we respond!
For 11+, we provide study material worth £150, for no extra charge.
We understand that achieving exemplary grades is not always motivation enough for students. So we provide rewards for our GCSE and A-Level students.
GCSE - All GCSE students who achieve their predicted grade or above, receive £50 worth of gifts. On top of this, the highest scoring student receives a secret gift.
A-Level - All students who achieve their predicted grade or above, receive £50 worth of gifts.